How to Make Daily Backup for SQL Server Databases

On 1 March, 2022, Cloud Clusters has upgraded the SQL Server image. In the latest SQL Server image, scheduling daily backups of SQL Server databases is supported. Please follow the instructions below to create daily backups for SQL Server.

1. Check if the directory "cron" exists in the application

Check if there are three files "crontab", "dailybackup.sql", and "" under directory "/cloudclusters/cron" as shown below:

2. Enable/Disable the daily database backup function

The database daily backup function is disabled by default. Enabling or disabling this function requires modifying the file "/cloudclusters/cron/crontab".

Removing the "#" in the red box below enables the daily database backup function. Altering the numbers in the red box could set up the backup cycle (Please refer to the Example of job definition for the setup rules). We recommend that you back up the databases at least once a day and keep the backup for 3-5 days.

3. Customize the backup retention duration

To customize the backup retention duration, you will need to set the number within the script "/cloudclusters/cron/" that is shown in the red box below. It is recommended to retain backups for 3-5 days.

4. Change the backup path

Define the backup path by changing the parameter in the "/cloudclusters/cron/dailybackup.sql" file. The default path is "/cloudclusters/mssql/backup/" as shown below:

That's it! You've finished the backup settings. If you require the daily backup function while your current SQL Server image doesn't support, feel free to let us know. We'd be happy to help.

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